ȳϼ 4 ذ ʴµ ֽŴٸ ϰڽϴ _
1. skeptics sent letters to the man who abolished slavery to be wary of the food he ate
- 4 ǰ ε
忡 to(to be wary of ~) ñմϴ. ƻ "ȸǷڵ 뿹
ڿ װ 'ϵ' ´. " ̷ ؼ ǰ ؼ
"ȸǷڵ װ '϶' ´" Ǿֽϴ. ᱹ ̱ ѵ
ڴ λ ǵ ؼغ ε
to ǹ̻ ־ ð ȵǾ(for the man ) skeptics ǹ̻ ־ ǰ
to make the man be wary of ~ ϴ Ƽ Ƹմϴ.. ׳ "ȸǷڰ ϱ
" ǹ ƴѰ ؼ..
letters ϴ ΰŶ ´ ϴ.
簡 to ־ ̰ų (ex. I have no friend to help me), ų(I have a lot of work to do),
̰ų(I have no desire to be rich),
ġ λ ̾ ų(It is time to go to school: it is time when (ǹ̻ ־) go to school) 4 찡
鼭 ε ֿ ʴ Ƹմϴ..
ؼϴ ..??
2. anxiously amassing means to do no ends, forever hustling to get nowhere faster, they add a new dimension to the pathos of living.
- ̰͵ to Դϴ to do no ends κ ñѵ.. ؼ "ƹ '' θ ϸ鼭"
̷ ؼ Ͽµ to do no ends ǹ̻ ־ ڿ theyϱ ƴϸ
amass 5ó Ͽ means ǹ̻ ־ Ǵ ɱ?? ƹư ̰ ׳ ΰ̰..
Բ to ϰ ؼϽô ñմϴ..
3. The extent of how much we can shove into a portable unit will always be set.
- ̰ //(3 12) Ǯٰ ε..
⼭ how 'how much we can shove into a portable unit' 屸̾ ..?
shove .. much ׳ ϴ ǰ? ƴϸ
much ڿ energy 簡 ǰ??
ٸ ؼ ϴ ڿ..?
ɱϿ ü Բ ϴ..
Certain aspects of technology that we would have expected to become incredibly advanced by now have shown surprisingly little improvement. Take batteries for smartphones or laptops. What we can do with the devices far surpasses the power we have to support them; our batteries still only last hours or at maximum a day. This is because the amount of energy that can be stored is, unfortunately, ________. No matter how tiny particles are, they are fixed in their mass. Since we cannot make them smaller, the extent of how much we can shove into a portable unit will always be set. The restriction of basic physics prevents engineers from making us a handy, long-lasting power source.
4. The minute a baby giraffe is born, its mother will push it off its feet to get it to stand, continuing to do so again and again every time the newborn tries to lie down. When the baby stops trying and lies still, the mother then starts nudging it back up.
- .. ñ κ nudging it back up κε //
Ǯٰ Դϴ.. ¥ Ȯ ʳ..
ġ 翪 ̱ ϴµ(back up ..) back up ɵ ·
־ ƴѰ ͱ ϰ.. back up ǰ ̰ ?
nudging it back up ؼ Ź帳ϴ ̤
̸ 亯 帳ϴ