ۼ |
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2020-11-03 |
1.Undocumented workers pay billions of dollars annually in income taxes using false documnents.
using~ κ ~ν (by ~ing) by Ȱǰ?
by ~ing by ִ ñؿ!!
2. Neither the mathematics department nor the biology department requires that the student shohld write a thesis.
, neither ο ġǴµ(neither do I) ġ ȉµ ´¹ΰ?
ۼ |
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2020-07-03 |
If she had taken the medicine last night, she would be better today.
ȥհ̶ had pp ° ذǴµ last night ſϷḦ ̾ ִ ñմϴ.
last night̷ֵ ̴° ƴѰ?!
2. I'd rather you don't do anything about it for the time being
а װͿ ƹͰ ʱ ٶϴ.
don't didn't ٲϴ ڽϴ.
ۼ |
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2020-05-18 |
1. Mike should have come early and make the meeting room cleaned in advance.
Mike ͼ ȸǽ ̸ û߾ ߾.
̹ ´ٰ ϴµ,
Make should have made made ٱ;ϴ° ƴѰ??
չ should have ppε 忡 ķ should have pp ƴ should ִ°ǰ?
2. տ ȿ͵ ޤ as ~as
So ~as 밡Ѱ??
ƴϸ ö so Ҽ ִɰǰ?
3. Considering an increasing number of people with higher-than average income but less-than-average free time~
̰ ʰϴ պ ð ~
ؼѴ ڲ ݴ ؼ̵Ǽ.. ذ ȰФ
ۼ |
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2020-05-12 |
Tell on tell of ° Ѱ??
ֽϴ |
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2020-05-01 |
2018 13 Դϴ.
ã ε, ó 谡 αⰡ ٰ ߰, ״ however ̾° ذ ȵ˴ϴ
迡 ؼ ϴµ, however Ἥ ֳ ϰ ôµ ABC ð û
üǾϴ Ф however 뵵 ƴ 뵵?ε ֳ...?
̿ |
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2020-04-29 |
1. I like the people who I work with
̶ 忡 with ܼ
people with whom whom who ٲ ϱ people with who ϸ Ʋ?
2. people with that I work with 嵵 Ʋ?
3., I like the people with who I work. ´ with whom I work ´ ھ..
4. Kenndy who/that my son was named after. 忡
Kenndy my son was named after.Ѱ?
5. Kenndy after my son was named. ̰͵ Ѱ?
asas than |
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2020-01-30 |
1. as as as ǰ ӻ ΰ?
2. as as 2 as ӻ ˰ ִµ ڿ ־ ϴ ΰ?
3. than ǰ ΰ?
4. than ǰ簡 ӻ ˰ִµ ڿ ־ ȿ ־ ̷Ը Ŵ ׳ Ȱǰ? |
! -- 뽬 ̿ |
ۼ |
2020-01-30 |
1. Ѱ?
2. Ѱ? |
2019 9 17 10 10 |
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2020-01-19 |
9 17 10 ø
츮 ߸ ű ?
- Ʈ ϼϴµ ּ , ¼ ð ɸ ̴.
-it will take at least a moth, maybe longer to complete the project
1⼭ it ? Ī־ ΰ ƴϸ ?
2.month , maybe longer µ ̰Ŵ л籸ΰ? ̰ ִ ǰ? տ ϰ µ? |
2018 9 9帳ϴ |
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2020-01-11 |
9 ¾Ҵµ, 2 Ȯϰ ذ Ȱ!(2⸦ Ⱑ Ʋ ߽ϴ) Lang revealߴٰ ߴµ Lang revealߴٰ ϰ ׳ Ǹ ϰ ִ° Ƽ,,,2 ̵Ƿ Lang reveal Ұ ó ϴ٤ 2 ´ ڽϴ!! |